Sell that Game!

Use our simple strategies to build an audience,

Create a Tabletop Game that Stands Out

Game that

and see it to production!

Overwhelmed with everything it takes

to bring a tabletop game to the shelves?

You have the passion, the ideas and the heart to create a tabletop game, and you know it! But right now the path to making this a reality feels overwhelming… to put it lightly. You question yourself;

“Do I have the skill?”, “Is my game good?”, “What am I supposed to do next?”

✔️ You want to attract the perfect audience for your game.

✔️ You want to build hype and anticipation around your creation.

✔️ You want to make sure that what you are creating will have a unique appeal to gamers and retailers alike, that it will stand out.

✔️ You want to offer unique experiences to the players that put it on their table.

You’ve come to the right place. We got you covered.

Now, let’s get down to business! Limited new spaces available!

Ready for the next step?

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    Your Simplified Games Business Starts Here

    Game Business

    Step #1

    Create A Game Fit To Purpose

    It might sound easy, but your game needs to be designed with a purpose in mind. Will you sell direct to retail? Go to crowdfunding? Need some brainstorming?

    Step #2

    Attract Your Audience

    If “18-35 year olds with enough money for a hobby” is what you have in mind, then think again. Find your niche who will love your game!

    Step #3

    Build Your Sales Strategy

    Turn your ideas, heart and passion into an actual sellable product! Get your game on the shelves and on the gamers’ tables (kinda the whole point, right?)

    Hey there!

    It's Helena and Nick!

    About Us

    We’re here to uncomplicate the process of making and selling a game.

    We have been in the industry for more than a decade, and have been through it all. Selling games in retail, running our own board game cafe (that’s where we got our coffee addiction), demoing at conventions, working for indie publishers, working for multi-million dollar KS hit-makers, you name it, we’ve probably done it.

    We’ve seen the process of making a game, showing it, selling it, dozens of times. And it can be confusing and frustrating. Mistakes will happen (those are inevitable really, nobody is perfect), but does it have to be super complicated?

    Let’s make it simple. We are here to take you step by step in a journey of making your game an awesome experience that lots of gamers will enjoy! So, let us pour you a cup of coffee and let’s get to work!

    Finally Troubleshoot Your Problems!

    Leave the frustration behind and experience the good side of making games.

    Troubleshoot Problems

    Grab your Free Goody

    Just one click away!

    Free Goody

    ✔️ Spot your dream audience

    ✔️ Connect meaningfully with them

    ✔️ Make them your clients!

    Fill in your details and it’s yours!

      Your details are safe with us. We will never spam or sell your data


      Your Spot For Your Weekly Games Coaching!

      Ever wish there was someone that you can chat about games that actually gets you - the ideas, the frustrations, the questions, the highs, the yes’ and all the phases and questions in between?

      That’s exactly what we do over Tabletop Insight Blog!

      So jump on over and read practical relatable advice and strategies, and find perfect for you tools that will help you in your journey of business making.

      Our Blogs

      How Do I Know My Board Game is Ready to Start Playtesting?

      Your creative juices are flowing, your game design is taking shape, and excitement simmers within you. The next crucial step lies before you: playtesting. But how do you know your board game is truly ready to face the scrutiny of eager (and sometimes brutally honest) players? Let's delve into the signs that indicate your game [...]

      A Tale of Two Tables

      The world of tabletop games is a thriving arena of creativity, fueled by publishers of all sizes, governed by different needs and portraying different realities. From industry giants like Asmodee to passionate one-person outfits, each entity navigates a unique landscape with distinct challenges and opportunities. Understanding these disparities is crucial for aspiring designers and even [...]

      A little bit of history

      Welcome to our very first blog at Fabled Studios!  Let’s start with a little bit of history, because roots are important. Who are we, the people behind Fabled Studios and Fabled Games? Nick and I started playing board games together in our early 20s; however both our pasts were full of games! We both have […]